Saturday, July 21, 2012

I Love The Movies But I Hate The People That Make Them

In what must have been the conference call of all time, the major Hollywood Studios have agreed to not release the weekend box-office results from the Dark Knight Rises in a show of rare solidarity over the recent tragedy in Colorado. I have no idea how doing that prevents such events in the future or matters to anyone. It's just another way that the studios attempt to steer the media - who of course are short-stroking this story. It's the 24 News Monster's wet dream.

Am I the only one feeling numb and cynical over this gesture and this story? I am sure that someone somewhere in the studio hierarchy was thinking of a way to exploit this shooting to financial advantage but was shouted down by the saner minds. I am sure that someone has approached the killer's 'people' for the rights to his story.

They also pulled the trailer for the newest ultra-violent gangster movie with Sean Penn. I hope they replace it with a preview for a new My Little Pony movie because we know that the ponies would never inspire someone to do violence.

Just take your filthy blood money, Hollywood, and keep churning out the entertainment the culture demands. Keeps pushing the limits of sex and violence - it's what you do better than anyone else. If you stop being dickheads then the crazy numnuts of this world will have won.

I want to see beautiful people with genetically perfect bone structure become involved in all manner of shenanigans. I demand visual razzle dazzle and a good story - if you can get your heads out of your asses long enough to write me one. I will tolerate your social commentary and your phony causes and bullshit media heroics but I will not tolerate you telling me that you understand how I feel right now because you don't.

You are immoral shitheads.

Stay that way.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I'd pay all sorts of money for a "My Little Pony" movie based on the "Friendship is Magic" cartoon. haha.

I respect theaters for pulling the "Gangster Squad" trailer. The image of a shoot em up at a movie house might hit too close to home for some people, and I wonder if the scene might be altered before its release. This whole incident reminds me of when they had to pull "Passenger 57" from Starz Channel after the September 11 Attack.

I have no such plans to live in fear and intend to go see Dark Knight Rises on Monday, so that I can beat the crowds and still support the film during its opening week.

Kal said...

The first 3D movie on Monday is my movie time. I should call and put in my hot dog and drink order early.