Monday, July 16, 2012

I'LL Tell Ya What I Want - What I Really Really Want

With all the ways that the Avengers will become a part of our Pop Culture over the next decade, there is one property I hope they don't miss out on. I speak of course of the Pet Avengers.

The Pet Avengers are the pets of the superheroes who have at one time been on the team in the comic books. Putting the creatures in one comic, allowing them to communicate with each other and put them on a Universe saving mission is the stuff that animator should dream of.

It also doesn't hurt that the villain of the mini-series is THANOS, who himself is set to be the next big bad villain in the next Avengers movie. There will be a Guardians of the Galaxy movie to tie that team into Avengers 3. The Guardians are also very closely associated with Thanos in the comic. In fact he is their number one villain. They are on the front lines of the battle whenever Thanos starts rockin' and rollin'.

Of course the third thing that makes my story great it that is all revolves about the struggle to acquire the INFINITY GAUNTLET. This glove holds the six soul gems. Each gem itself is immensely powerful. Once they are united, the person wearing the Gauntlet has near Godlike powers.

In the comic book mini, The Pet Avengers go looking for the gems which have become lost all over the world. With Lockjaw leading the way (who never speaks - genius) the team of animals with super powers goes in search of these important artifacts. Each pet Avenger find himself with a soul gem thus giving Thanos a reason to pursue them.

If a great story wasn't enough the Pet Avengers themselves are a great bunch of characters. I love the Speedball the cat who acts just like a mega-hyper cat would. Who ever thought it would be the dim witted dog of Aunt May, Miss Lion, that would steal the show and the biggest share of  all future  merchandising profits? Even Spider-Man's dog has a place in the grand adventure - which is how it's meant to be.

1 comment:

DrGoat said...

I knew Kermit was Thor!