Monday, August 27, 2012

New To The Collection Of Cool




Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Seeing "The Classics Collection" brings me back to the early days of the '90s when I would be touring garage sales with my Mom and find Turtle action figures that looked just like these among the other used toys, and had no idea what they were because by the time I was in the right demographic for the series, the Turtles had all but faded from the public eye.

I am interested in seeing the development they take with this new cartoon on Nickelodeon, as I think the character designs actually put some effort into making the Turtles look distinguishable from one another, something that was always an obstacle for me when trying to get into the series earlier.

Unknown said...

Excellent Cal congrats!

Kal said...

Toy collectors are the coolest kind of people.