Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Superman - Red Son

How would the world be different if Superman had landed in Russia instead of Kansas? This mini-series is one of my all time favorite Superman stories. Since when have you seen Lex Luthor be the hero? It should have been made into an animated feature but until that happens we have this motion comic version. If you are interested you can find all the chapters on the You Tube.


Hobgoblin238 said...

You know it is quite possible with DC to make this into a feature. NEVER thought the Dark Knight returns would be made into one.

Kal said...

This story would never be picked up in Hollywood because Superman in a Socialist and all socialist are French and gay according to the US.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

thanks, Kal... just watched the whole thing

Kal said...

What did you think? I was right wasn't I? It's a great story with a cool ending.