Sunday, October 7, 2012

What Did You Think?



Anonymous said...

the feels!

Chase March said...

I didn't like it. The first time we saw the angels, it was very scary. This time it seemed forced somehow. I wasn't scared at all.

I don't like the way the Ponds left the Doctor Who universe either. It wasn't as emotionally powerful as when Rose did (but I guess they really couldn't top that one)

It doesn't seem fair to the characters that they spent fifty years trapped in a building.

The Statue of Liberty thing could have been much cooler.

I just thing there was a lot of wasted potential in this one. I didn't get "the feels" that many people of Tumblr seemed to.

How about you, Cal?

D.I. Felipe González said...

People were blinking. Amy and Rory stopped watching Lady liberty and nothing happened. I liked the plot, but realization was poor (very). Let´s see what happens next half season.

Kal said...

The more I think about it the more I see the flaws. You are both right about tyhe Statue of Liberty. That was a TERRIFIC visual that I wanted to see destroy the city like some stone Godzilla.

But I have to admit I cried like a baby when the Doctor read that last page of the novel. The picture of the little Amelia hearing the sound of the Tardis on the morning she first met the Raggety Man touched me deeply. Now I know WHY she waiting - because he came back and gave her HOPE. I can forgive so much about Doctor Who when they do such lovely memorable fairy tale moments.

csmith2884 said...

Cried like a baby. I will miss the ponds very much. Really liked the interaction between the Ponds/River and the Doctor.