Thursday, May 16, 2013

Atlantic Rim Trailer

No matter how big the Hollywood blockbuster, you can always count on Asylum to put out a cheapie direct to video rip-off. At first they kept their budgets low but after no one wanted to see their version of THOR a few years ago, they upped their game - and stopped pretending anymore that they were schlockmiesters.  There is always room in my movie file for this kinds of filler. Not all are gems but this one looks to be fun and a good warm-up for Pacific Rim.


Jordan said...

Do you mean "stopped pretending anymore that they were schlockmeisters" or do you mean "stopped pretending anymore that they weren't schlockmeisters"?

I haven't seen any of this stuff so I don't get it.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I don't know, I think they've loudly proclaimed their schlocksmanship from the beginning.

After "Snakes on a Train" and "Transmorphers" theres no point in pretending that you have any dignity.

Jordan said...

Erik! How've you been, man.

About to go see Into Darkness. Let me guess: you didn't like the 2009 J. J. Abrams Star Trek, right?

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Hey Jordan,

Actually I liked Star Trek 2009 very enthusiastically when it first came out, but having seen it two or three times since then on DVD my attitudes have cooled. I wouldn't say its bad, it just doesn't hold up to repeat viewings quite the same way as previous Trek films like "Wrath of Khan".

I'd be interested in seeing "Into Darkness" if I were going with a group of friends and could enjoy the company, otherwise I still want to see "Iron Man 3" and feel like I might get more out of that film.

"Man of Steel" is actually my most anticipated feature for the summer if only because its a reinvention of a classic character rather than a straight up sequel. "Pacific Rim" looks pretty cool, but I'd like to know something of the plot besides giant monster fights.