Monday, July 8, 2013

Someone Having A Worst Monday Than You



M. D. Jackson said...

Because this is the moment when Roy realized that, although making it in the back room of the Pie Shop was more convenient, getting out into the parking lot now was going to be impossible.

Kal said...

Roy would have figured that all out before starting on the pie, right? Tell me I am right.

DrGoat said...

Take a good look at Roy, Cal, and I think you will know the answer to your query.

Nick Ward said...

The look on that chaps face is utterly priceless.

Hi Cal, I'm back. I'm sorry I haven't been around. Life got seriously in the way as it tends to do. But I'm back and swinging punches.

It's so great to visit your blog, laugh out loud and be once again enlighten. Now if you'll excuse me I've got some catching up on the Cave of Cool to do...

profsafety said...

"Is this what my life is all about? making a really big pie? Is there life after pie?"

Kal said...

Welcome Back Nick. I wondered what had happened to you. Hope you enjoy you trip back to the cave.

Nick Ward said...

I'm loving being back in the cave!