Wednesday, August 21, 2013

'Django Unchained' Figures Command Steep Prices Online

$149 at the Big Bad Toy Store. That is a lot of money for a figure that was priced under 30 dollars when the movie was in theatres. But complaints from groups who objected to what amounted to (in their opinion) 'slave' figures from a movie that glorified the institution of slavery (something else I think they got wrong) got these pulled from sale. I said that eventually the figures that were made would come online and they would fetch a steep price. Something else for the Holy Grail pile I guess. Thank YOU 'supply and demand'. You can see the rest of the figures and the prices by going HERE.
I have also read some article that claim a complete set of these is going for as high as 20,000 dollars on EBay but that seems a bit much for six glorified Mego figures.

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