Sunday, August 11, 2013

Doesn't Anyone Feel My Pain?

Look at how that Oscar Goldman mocks me. Richard Anderson probably has a huge collection of this action figures in his basement. And I bet he will just open the boxes every now and then and switch outfits between one figure and another. Keep rubbing it in buddy. You won't live forever and every second of my life gets me closer to your action figure. In the end, I will be the winner as I am buried with this doll.

This was the latest one I bid on because every other Goldman figure on EBay is priced well over $300 dollars. This is going for much less than that but there are five days to outbid me. It always happens. Just so you know and we are clear here -  If any of YOU bastards poach me I will put a Egyptian/voodoo/gypsy curse on you that you will feel on the toilet each and every time you poop.


Unknown said...

Still struggling with this one Kal? Dang I thought you managed to grab one up by now. I do feel your pain because Ebay gives me fits from time to time too.

Kal said...

It's just one figure I REALLY want and have been hunting for it for years. I lost out on one that I refused to pay 40 dollars for about 10 years ago because I was too much of a snob to pay for a slightly damaged box. When I get my time machine to work I am going right back to that store.

John Sholtz said...

Good luck sir. When you get your time machine fixed can I come? Man, the treasures we would bring back.

Kal said...

We'll start with Christmas 65 and jump a year until about 1975. Bring about a hundred bucks for each year and we could have EVERYTHING. Even stuff we didn't want. Imagine.

Wings1295 said...

Wish I had one hidden away to give to you. But, alas... Good luck on the hunt! That is supposed to be the best part, right? The hunt?

Kal said...

It is. And I will have him but on MY TERMS. I will find that prize because it is meant to be mine.