Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Fantastic Red Skull Custom From 'Old Logan'

This is a great custom of the Red Skull and his trophy case from the Old Man Logan miniseries. In the future, all the villains team up and take out the heroes in one day, then carve up the US among themselves. The Red Skull rules Washington DC and has his own special trophy case of all the heroes he had defeated - with Captain America's shield being his most prized possession. Wolverine is one of the last heroes alive but he has sworn to himself never to use his claws or do violence ever again. Why he made that promise and how he can never run from his destiny is the heart of this terrific story. His confrontation with the Red Skull is one of the coolest Wolverine moments I have ever seen and I have been with Logan from the beginning. This would be a terrific movie if Hugh Jackman wanted to go out on top with the character.


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