Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Gatchaman Trailer

Gatchaman (Battle of the Planets) costuming for the upcoming live action feature out of Japan.


I just wish they had kept Princess' costume the same color as in the cartoon. All of these 'ranger' characters needs a pink member on the team. I love her thigh highs and short skirt but if you are going to create battle armor you can't have the girl character given less protection than the boy characters just to sex up the movie...and that is a shame.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

What's with the fascist salutes?

Kal said...

It's Japan. They like control.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I've been meaning to catch up with the original cartoon for quite some time now. Many a movie is just the kind of springboard I need.

Anonymous said...

I saw the americanized version in it's original run back in the day and loved every bit of it. I SO want to see this movie. Looks every bit as fromage and I cheered when the Phoenix showed up.