Wednesday, August 14, 2013

This Just Doesn't Look Safe

Where is the little room between inside and outside where your either pressurize or depressurize? Once that hatch opens you are going to lose all your air, buddy. Or maybe that was your plan all along. Yes, this design looks strangely SOVIET!!

Two chairs. One bed.
So I have to watch you sleep now?
Because I am not sharing.


DrGoat said...

Looks like a good design for a jail cell on the moon. Just try to leave.

Kal said...

Just try to get me in I chew through your air tube. Trust me...I AM THE ONE doing the WOOSHING around here if I am on the spaceship in the first place.

profsafety said...

You get 500 channels on that fancy computer terminal, but you have to pee in a bucket. No little astronauts room on the moon, it seems.

Kal said...

Then where does that door lead to?