Wednesday, September 4, 2013

7 Wonders Of The Ancient World

Great Pyramid of Egypt
The Lighthouse At Alexandria
The Colossus of Rhodes
The Hanging Gardens of Babylon
The Statue of Zeus At Olympia
The Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
The Mausoleum at Halicarnassus

I remember the first Christmas we spent in Europe. We had no toys (they didn't come until February) so my Dad went out and tried to find us something. He managed to buy a big chocolate bar with a troll doll tied to it. They he went to work where there was a package for him. They were the World Book Encyclopedia set he had ordered for us months earlier. It was the best Christmas we ever had. One of the things my Dad taught us about all kinds of dog and cat breeds, European history, German history especially since we were now living there. Canadian history. Legends, myths, and all kinds of ancient history. This list was one of the first things that I committed to memory. From that point I couldn't get enough of those Encyclopedias. Read them from A-Z over the next couple of years. Had an invaluable resource at my fingertips for any and all junior high and high school projects. I miss them. They never lied to you like the Internet does.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I remember those World Book encyclopedias too. I read them at school. But the 7 ancient wonders of the world I learned from a Viewmaster reel.

Kal said...

OOOOOO that would have been even cooler.

DrGoat said...

Sure wish the Colossus of Rhodes would have survived. That would be so cool. Loved my Viewmaster too.

Dr. Theda said...

Yes, good Sir Kal ...Books... that is how from early childhood onward we learned the many things that we now know...
Not always the best at common-sense or "good judgment" .... But know "Tons" of "useless information"....

Kal said...

No information is ever useless. I can't learn enough to fill my head. That is why I hate to sleep. It's like dead time for me.