Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Even Though We Are Ruining Their Ecosystem

The Polar Bear is always ready to help out.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Now THAT'S not holding a grudge!

Kal said...

They CAN be judgemental but not vengeful. Their stares are enough to make you feel bad for what you did and anyways you ever ruined the environment with your shit.

j-swin said...

bears in general usually take the high road.

Kal said...

Unless you put them in charge of judging anything. THEN they can be really tough on a contestant. I'm not saying my chili was the best but 10th place. I think not.

Tempo said...

Mayby it's time we helped the Polar Bear..

Kal said...

Long past due to help the Polar Bear, as the big predators go, so does the entire ecosystem.