Saturday, September 7, 2013

Life In The Cave Of Cool

Was Calvin stressed this week? He certainly was. Suddenly my calm little secure life was invaded by my cousin. He's a good guy but you know what it's like when suddenly you have to accommodate family. I was a mess. I hate change but I knew that for the next year he may be staying with us so I had to find a way to adapt. He was working to establish his insurance company in the virgin territory that is Red Deer. Can't be an asshole to a guest in my own Cave, now can I? That sounds like Taliban thinking.

Actually, things have been pretty good. He spends his days driving to Calgary for meetings and such and found out the first day he was there that they planned to offer him the BIG job in Regina. So he get's to go to an office already established and NOT live with me. Not that there would be anything wrong with that you understand. He's family. But just as suddenly as my life changed. It went back to normal.

It's funny how everything can change in a moment if you put a little good Karma out into the world. Good karma allows me to be selfish when I need to be.

I like my cousin. He's like the little brother I never had. The Son my mother never had who is a go getter, a mover and a shaker and a fun time maker. I even got him to go with her to the Farmer's Market today so that I could avoid the crowds. He even sent me this picture from his phone.


1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

And now you have someone to visit in Regina!