Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Rarely Do I Do Endorsements....

First of all, it has always been a dream of mine, since I was a little boy to go to a comic or toy convention in New York City. I always thought that would be the best chance I had to actually see Spider-Man swinging through the buildings of the city. So to be asked to write a post for my New York Connection and my Brothers from Cultural Compulsive Disorder, well, it was a no brainer. The boys ask the Cave of Cool to step up and I did.
Besides, look at that great poster! They had me at GOOM, who as you know is the monster in red. What, you didn't know that? Goom is the greatest monster of the early Marvel monster comics. He defined the days when Stan Lee would think of a name and the artist would draw a character and a goofy monster tale would be the result. The second I saw this piece by Tommy Lombardozzi I knew this kid got the joke. He's even done an original for the Cave of Cool which I happily display on my blog.

If you are going to be at the New York Comic Con (ya lucky bastards - steal me some swag if you can. You know the shit I like) be sure to check out Tommy's and the Hatter Family booth in Artists Alley. Tell them you saw this post on the Cave of Cool and watch their reactions. If even ONE person does that my job here has been a success.
Weird But Real Creatures Coloring Book by Sean Harter
And of course we have all seen Sean Harter's classic movie post remakes.



Sean was lost to us April 27th of this year.
I am happy to share the legacy he left with his art.
Sean's son, Griffin, also has his own style preferring napkins as his canvas. I suspect he drinks a lot of coffee and waits for people to meet him for lunch. I am sure he too would enjoy seeing you at his table. Artists thrive on the validation of others and I like to support that when I can...lest someone, ANYONE says something nice about my cat captions one day.
But this is not a time to be discussing MY genius.
Spend some time with the boys (and Mike D) and enjoy the skill and enthusiasm they will bring to the event. One day my brothers. One day Cal will right there with you.



1 comment:

Mike D. said...

Cal... thanks brother!!! Your the man! But one correction: Griffin is Sean's SON , not his brother!!! Thanks for the shout out though... You know you got a swag bag coming from us!!!!!