Tuesday, September 10, 2013

They Sure Picked Canadian Flavors

Perogy platter?  Grilled cheese with ketchup? It's a hoser heaven for chips lovers. I have only tried the Caesar one and it wasn't bad. Like sour cream an onion. But Maple Moose is not available in our 7-11 and that is shame. Who loves Maple more than my town? Maple Tim Bits are like KFC and Perogies. You have to consume them every 21 days - lest ye die.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've tried all four flavours. The only one worth eating is the Caesar one. I was especially disappointed by the perogy platter flavour. So terribly bland.

Kal said...

How was the Maple Moose?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oddly sweet and icky tasting. To me, it didn't taste anything like maple.