Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Can You Dig It? Currently Playing At The Bijou Of Cool



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I wanna be one of the gang girls in The Lezzies! Whaddya mean, "Lizzies"?

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I saw it for the first time about a year ago. Two unfortunately things were that my friends who I saw it with didn't appreciate it. They though that with all the camp elements that it was supposed to be a comedy.

And second that we saw the director's cut with this really unnecessary fade to comic book panels and page turn edit effect that really took you out of the reality of the moment.

Kal said...

NO NO NO...you must see the original. There are some movies like this one and Animal House that I have shown to people who have never seen them and they hated both films. Sometimes it's all about the time the films come up that makes them special. This one was one of those films you heard so many bad things about - gang fights outside and inside of theatres. It was THE movie to see but I was too young to get in. It was one of those films that I watched when it first came on video and loved it ever since. It's a very polarizing film.