Monday, November 4, 2013

Despicable Me 2 Fart Blaster: A Despicable Minion Gadget

On the Christmas List of Cool. It makes fart noises.
It's a fart gun. How can one not love this whole concept?


DrGoat said...

A valuable tool, but as you get older, you don't need an external device to produce the desired sounds.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I agree with DrGoat. Only amateurs need a device like that.

david_b said...

Oh, but when the grandkids come.., it's 'the bomb'.

EVERY Christmas tree should have one under it this year.

And, if we achieve that goal, a mutual time should be agreed on that the entire world lifts 'em up outside at the exact moment and blasts it into the air.

One giant rasberry at the Universe from Planet Earth.

Kal said...

I love that idea. I wonder if it amplifies one's own rippers.

Dr. Theda said...

Need us one of those ... always good for a laugh.... Thanks for the post good sir Kal ... and enjoyed starting the morning with Star-ship battles ... Have a great day