Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Do We Really Need This Many Different Types And Brands Of Yogurt?

What's next? Endless rows of salad dressing?
Oh wait. Never mind.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Better not say that Kal. Hell hath no fury like a vengeful Jamie Lee Curtis.

Kal said...

I didn't say we had to get rid of HER yogurt. Jeez, you think that I want Jamie Lee after me. Her brother was a psychopath you know. They made a movie about it but it was true. Yes it was.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

For gawd's sake, don't look down the shampoo and conditioner aisle.

DrGoat said...

I only need one flavor. Harvest Peach.

Kal said...

No No No...triple cherry with extra cherry flavoring. Or was I eating pie filling again.

Nathan said...

Greek yogurt is all the rage now, but it seems to be even more sour than regular yogurt, which is already too sour for a lot of people.