Friday, November 22, 2013

Friday Image Blizzard







Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like the parking lot with all the superheroes' cars in it -- including the Tardis, LOL! And that has GOT to be Long John Silver -- great illustration!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Thats a parking lot I wouldn't mind getting stuck in! Though I'm at a loss to identify the one with the bell on top.

Allerd's drawing likes this it was inspired by some other source.

Kal said...

You don't know the Blues Mobile from The Blues Brothers??? REPENT SINNER!

Thanks for that pic. I need it for a post I am doing about Captain Action's modern revival. If you buy the right sets you get all the parts you need to outfit a classic Hawkeye. I hate these 'build a figure' concepts but in this one you get the three arrows and one of them is the Ant Man one. Very cool.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I thought it looked like the Blues Mobile, but it wasn't until I looked at it again that I realized the thing on top wasn't a bell, but a loudspeaker. Thats what caused the confusion.

Now I may need help identifying the one in the front row far right. At first I thought it was the car from "Men in Black" with the two back engines, but that one doesn't have a hood intake. Also, were the heck is KITT?

Kal said...

I am not sure of that one either. I was thinking Road Warrior but I could be wrong.

Mike D. said...

Yes that is Mad Max's car. KITT is cleverly stowed away in the trailer. BTW...thats BJ's rig... In case nobody was aware.

Kal said...

BJ AND THE BEAR...I knew that...but where is the Pork Chop Express???

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

You mean that isn't Optimus Prime?!

Unknown said...

The fedora clad robot(?) looks fantastic. From some type of fan film?