Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Gorgeous Winter Soldier Action Figure

It was once said that only Bucky and Uncle Ben will never come back from the dead in Marvel comics because they were both so important to who Captain America and Spider-Man are as characters. Take those deaths away and you have entirely different motivations for these heroes.

Bucky Barnes ­– Seen in The Avengers #56 (1968, Marvel)
During World War II, James “Bucky” Barnes was Captain America’s plucky sidekick, accompanying the hero on nearly all of missions despite not actually having any superpowers of his own. After Cap himself is thrown from an airborne explosive and trapped in ice, Bucky hangs on and dies trying to defuse it. Even after Cap is revived in modern times, Bucky’s death still haunts him, that is, until his former partner resurfaces as the evil soviet super assassin Winter Soldier. Bucky’s eventually freed from the mind control he was under and is now fighting the good fight again (he even became Captain America for while – see #2).

Then Brubaker figured out a great way to bring back Bucky and created the Winter Soldier - a Soviet super assassin with a cyborg left arm that was created after WWII when the Soviets found Barnes' damaged body.



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

They said Gwen Stacy would stay in the ground too, but thats happened more than once by now. I think the new rule is that anyone not young and sexy stays dead.

Unless they figure out a way for Uncle Ben to come back young, muscular and with super afterlife powers like the Black Lantern or something, I don't see him coming back anytime soon.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I learn so much on your blog, Cal.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

Saw this! Kinda neat, huh?

Kal said...

It's a beautiful figure. Like all the MARVEL SELECT it's a very solid figure with great sculpt and paintjob. I am impressed with this one and glad they went more comic figure than movie figure. But catching the shield was badass in the trailer.