Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Now THIS Is A Movie Star



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I concur. Classy.

DrGoat said...

Just watched The Descendants again. It has some faults but I really like that movie. He is perfect in it, as in O Brother Where art Thou.

Kal said...

Boy I agree with you about the Descendants. What a near perfect film about a family that could have fallen into decay but didn't. I love the teen kid and his clashes with the wife's father. So many reasons why I loves me a George Clooney movie is because of his role in this one. Another person robbed of a much deserved Oscar.

Kal said...

Now O Brother...well that is visual poetry and a gift from the gods. It's another near perfect film that just carries me along in the last place I want to be a runaway in - the deep south. God damn what is wrong with those people?