Tuesday, November 12, 2013

So What Did I Think Of Thor 2?

I love Kat Dennings but there is no need for her to be in this movie except to give us some female character to life. Sif is barely there and Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) is such a cold fish. She has NO chemistry whatsoever with Chris Hemsworth.
When Loki is more interesting than Thor, you have a problem. It's a beautiful piece of cinema but it's there and gone. Like a popcorn fart. The story means nothing and really is nothing. Can you remember what it was about the day after seeing the film? See, you can't, can you?
The ending was very good but it was the only surprise in this yawn fest. Even Sir Anthony Hopkins can't get a good enough scowl going to prove that he is still interested.
Thor is very good in The Avengers but if you want to pull off another sequel you need a much better story. I vote for Beta Ray Bill or the Thunder Frog story arcs. But who listens to me?

Thor can't be 80% dysfunctional family romantic comedy and only 20% spectacle. Thor should be all spectacle and it should be done in the LIGHT (where I know 3D is less effective). I am so tired of the DARK I guess. The last film was dark, this one is dark. Dark, dark, dark. Enough with the darkness.
Maybe I am spoiled. Maybe I know that a so-so Thor sequel will still do massive box office which means that the super hero movie is not going anywhere anytime soon. Marvel seems to be a speeding train at this point that no one can or should stop. I will see all the parts in their puzzle and judge at the end how well they fulfilled my childhood dreams of seeing these characters on the big screen.
So far I am happy...Thor 2 not withstanding.


Unknown said...

And here I was feeling all guilty not feeling the love for all these Marvel movies. They make them so complicated, dark, and mysterious. Why? You're a military man Cal - Keep It Simple Stupid. I haven't seen this movie yet, but I have. Nuff Said?
An antidote - Steven's Universe.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Sounds like you're saying what most of the critics have been telling me.

What I've heard is "its calculated to be a crowd pleaser. Good, but fluff." That kind of scared me away from going on opening weekend. I might go to a matinee showing if I could get a group together, otherwise I might just make it a Redbox rental. More bang for your buck that way.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'll be seeing it in a couple of weeks or so once the crowds die down. I agree with you about Natalie Portman. Ugh.

DrGoat said...

I'm with Debra. N. Portman just doesn't fit. I'll wait it out till crowds thin.