Friday, November 1, 2013

The Lego Movie - Trailer


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Slightly funnier than the previous trailer. Still on the fence about it as a whole.

Though if I were an editor, I'd be hesitant about having Morgan Freeman say "This is the worst idea ever" right before you show the title of your movie. Its kind of an unfortunate juxtaposition.

Unknown said...

Will Arnett needs to be The Batman immediately. Sorry Ben.
On a side note - Banshee rocks (up to ep.4). It's the closest I've come to seeing what an Andrew Vachss novel would look like on the small screen. Pure, pulpy, comic tv fun. If only he had a dog side kick.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hmmm. Lego should maybe stick to what it does best.

Kal said...

I started with Banshee then gave up. I couldn't see him pulling off that scam forever but I might go back to it. It deserves a second look. Has season two begun yet?

Will Arnett gets the joke. That is why his Lego Batman is so good. I still claim the Lego Batman movie is the best Batman movies of them all.