Thursday, November 21, 2013

Toni Darling Does Lady Thor



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I've seen this character before, but with a different name.

Kal said...

There is nothing wrong with a costume designer with a nice body to design a costume around her assets while still (most excellently) keeping all the parts of Thor's iconic look. I won't apologize for that nor should she.

That being said I hate any misogyny anywhere. I hate to see women marginalized or excluded or put down in anyway. I need their help if I am going to rid this planet of the vile octopus.

Super-Duper ToyBox said...

now she seems like a fun gal :)

Kal said...

Unless there are carbs and donuts around. She would look a lot different if she ate like she wanted to. Or has one of those freaky metabolisms.

david_b said...

Beautiful costuming... Excellent.