Saturday, May 17, 2014

Did Anyone Actually Clip These Out Of Their Comic Books?

Even as a little kid I knew that would ruin my book.


Unknown said...

I bet somebody did somewhere Kal.

Brothermidnight said...

I did one better then that, I cut the faces and costume parts out of some characters that they didnt make figures for and taped them onto action figures I didnt like so I would have more super heroes to play with. I still have an old 3-D Man comic that is cut all up.

Kal said...

That is genius actually Brothermidnight. I would have just begged my mom for another figure.

Mike D. said...

No... Not me... But bargain bins are loaded with bronze age comics missing their value stamps. I believe these particilar stamps come from the Spidey Super stories comics. However... I have quite a few issues of that series and don't recall these stamps. Anybody know where they're from?

Yankeejetsfan said...

Spidey Stamps?? How did I not know about these? I must find some on eBay, post haste!

david_b said...

I've been slooooowly replacing the Bronze comics I cut stamps out of.. stooopidist idea ever, Marvel.

Mike D. said...

Comic publishers of the time never considered the human need to horde and collect. Comics were supposed to be read and disposed of in those by gone primitive days. Cutting subscription forms,coupons,pin ups and stamps out was an expected thing