Saturday, May 10, 2014

Memories From Brian Stelfreeze.

I remember this piece of art from Wizard magazine. It was around the time that James Cameron was talking about HIS Spider-Man movie that never got made. Instead of Leonardo DiCarprio we got Toby McGuire. But the real shame here is that we didn't get to see Nikki Cox as Mary Jane who was everyone's first choice. She was the hottest thing on two legs back in the 90s and this role would have vaulted her to superstar status.



j-swin said...

Ahh Nikki Cox....she too had an impact on my formative years.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Between this and Dune, you are really hot on these "What it could have been" movies.

I remember reading this in Wizard back in the day as well, though I don't recall this illustration strangely enough. Speaking of strange Arnold was supposedly going to be Doctor Octopus as well, and we came this close to Tim Burton directing Nicolas Cage as Superman.