Friday, May 23, 2014

You Would Think That Before She Showed Up For Our Date

That she maybe would have ran a comb through that hair and washed her face up a little. Oh and I thought we had a 'no knife on a first date' rule. This is going to be a train wreck. Time to start ordering doubles.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

She's going to cut out one of your kidneys and sell it on eBay.

Tim Knight said...

I think Anne's just fine as she is!

Kal said...

Has that show started yet?

Tim Knight said...

We got it in the UK on Amazon Instant Streaming Video a month or two ago.

It's one of their flagship shows (see what I did there?). I binge-watched the whole thing in a couple of days. Simply brilliant and totally addictive.

So far it's my new show of the year.

Kal said...

Well you have sold me then. I am on this like dental floss is on a pirate.

Tim Knight said...

You won't be disappointed!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Oh I doubt Mother would approve.

Kal said...

Hey, I watch what I want to watch. She doesn't own me.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I meant her. I already know my Mom's head would spin just trying to follow the plot of half the things I watch, let alone the content.

Kal said...

She doesn't like things that are 'made up' or 'unreal' as she says. Got no use for Star Wars and it's ilk.

Tim Knight said...

Wow, that's really strange you should say that as that's exactly what Rachel and her parents are like. You can imagine what they make of my comics, fantasy films, gaming etc

Before Rachel's family I'd never (knowingly) encountered anyone so opposed to the concept of "made up" stuff (ie fiction).

Kal said...

I think they fear it because there is a lot to learn to enjoy the show. I feel that way when anyone talks about Game of Thrones. I just feel so left out because I haven't gotten into that one yet and everyone I know knows everything about that show.