Monday, September 7, 2015

The Strain - Season 2 - Episode 9

Screw that Zac. That kid is a menace to the whole team. He lets his demon Mother into the sanctuary and almost gets everyone killed. Just give him over already. With everything he has seen he should be convinced of her evil but he is not. He has to go. If Zac goes then Kelly will menace them no longer. I'll make that trade.

Did they just create a new into or have I missed that footage the whole time?

The Nazi has now attacked Red Hook with only twenty Strigoi creatures and that is more than enough to get past the human defences. I hate the Nazi so much. Just killing to teach a lesson. Our team seems so weak in ineffective against all that. They need some kind of super weapon. Maybe a giant mirror to turn night into day - worked with Batman.

Here's an idea. ELECTRIFY THE GATE. Of course without power that idea is worthless which is why our gang goes out on a mission to turn the power back on. Once the UV light is back on we might have a chance. Damn that Nazi again. No way the Old Man can defeat him alone. Damn that stubborn old man for thinking he can face the Nazi alone.

I am so glad I have to wait a week between episodes. It's all just so intense. And now our team is being targeted separately and that will be their downfall. They are only strong together but the Nazi has planned his attack well. I have never been more worried for characters I have come to care about.

And it was inspirational to see who came to the rescue of Red Hook.

Still one of the best shows on TV.


csmith2884 said...

Yep, to all. Like the new intro, was surprised it was on episode 9? The scooby do gang has all they can handle with minions. What the Hell are they going to do with the Master. I to am sick of Zach and for that matter Dr.Drunk as well.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

So it wasn't just me who saw the new intro. I am glad that the Nazi's plan failed but just barely. It was dumb luck that either the Old Man or Drunky is dead. They need fight smarter. Too many last minute saves. And Zac is a burden. But the fight scenes were thrilling.