Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Variant Archie #1 Covers

I can't believe I have taken on the challenge of reading the first three issues of the new Archie comic. Jordan claims I will be blown away and become an Archie convert after all those years of hating him and his gang with the red hot heat of the sun. I do have to give those who manage the property credit for trying to keep the gang current for a new comic buying public while giving something new and special to long time fans - of which I am DEFINATELY not one. My hatred for Archie is long and well documented. So Brother Jordon might be fighting a losing battle with this challenge.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Can you be converted? Ooooo, the suspense builds.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am actually interested in giving it a fair chance...because then I can mock it unmerciessly if I hate it. It has a high mountain to overcome to make me a fan. This week I believe issue three is out so I will have all three in my download file.