Sunday, September 6, 2015

With The Way The Woman Murders The English Language...

I think she has a lot of nerve telling people that they need to speak 'AMERICAN'. Ah Sunlight, always the best disinfectant. Let's here what all the rats really THINK when they are in front of the cameras. Trump has released their inner racist and homophobe and made them all think they can slide on their comments just like Trump seems to be able to do. But Palin is no Trump but part of that same dying dinosaur that will either triumph or be put down for good. It's up to you 'merica. I actually have some hope you won't all fall for this but I know that many of you will. Many of you will gladly follow your Sarah off the cliff.

"I think that it's a benefit of Jeb Bush to be able to be so fluent in Spanish, because we have a large and wonderful Hispanic population that, you know, is helping to build America. And that's good. And that's a great relationship ... and connection that he has with them through his wife and through his family connections," she said in an interview on CNN.

"On the other hand, you know, I think we can send a message and say, you want to be in America, A, you'd better be here legally or you're out of here; B, when you're here, let's speak American," she added, before quickly correcting herself. "I mean that's what's -- let's speak English and that's a kind of a unifying aspect of the nation is the language that is understood by all.”


Kelly Sedinger said...

Every time I start to think that John McCain is an admirable man who has served his country well, I remember that John McCain put this idiot woman on the national radar, and that John McCain can go f*** himself.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Yup, he either got bullied into it or he made the choice on his own. Either makes him unworthy and culpable in this madness. But there is a lot of blame to go around. The media and their sick games have muddled the waters like they were meant to do all along. I see so many hands in the creation of the situation we have now that it seem inevitable.