Friday, February 2, 2018

I Could Have Just Looked It Up But I Had To Be Smarter Than The Google



Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh yeah, hot on one side, cold on the other. No loss.

j-swin said...

What the hell does the d stand for!?!?

Unknown said...

Mc DONAKS, lettuce and tomato

Unknown said...

err Donalds

Jordan said...

I remember those! My favorite, at the time. I totally bought into their hype about the "need" to keep the two halves separate.

The Onion's Our Dumb Century book (which purports to show "old" Onion front pages going back a hundred years) had a gag about this, showing a diagram of a hamburger served already assembled ("before" the invention of the McDLT), and how this forced the lettuce and tomato to warm up, with a caption reading, "Can Anything Be Done?"

Jordan said...

Hey Cal, thanks again for hipping me onto Batman 36-7. Fantastic two-issue story!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It really was well done by people who really understand the characters. I love the way they see each other totally different than you would think. So complicated.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Worst wasteful packaging ever.

Jordan said...
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Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Sorry Jordan I did that by accident. But yeh, the styrofoam was the worst. The cups too. But they kept the food hot or cold. To bad that it damages the environment and never biodegrades. One level of trash around the world is full of this stuff.

Dr. Theda said...

we even remember when they switched to cardboard packing for burgers... and the Mc D.L.T. was supposed to keep the lettuce "crisp"...