Saturday, April 7, 2018

Do I See The POWER STONE On The Infinity Gauntlet??

Wanna bet that Cap's willpower hijacked the Power Stone from Thanos? This is how they defeat him. Six heroes tap into six stones to remove Thanos as a threat to the whole Universe.

BTW, the power stone is the purple one.

(click to enlarge)


Debra She Who Seeks said...

My theory is that Thanos will be defeated because one of his Infinity Stones is fake and so will prevent him from exercising the Gauntlet's full power.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That is a good theory. I have also heard that only two avengers survive the first film. I want to think Doctor Strange and Cap.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nope, I think Cap will be toast, unfortunately. Who counts as an Avenger? I don't know that I'd include Doctor Strange in that category. But if "Avenger" includes everybody who's a good guy and only 2 survive, then my money is on Spiderman (because his franchise is just starting) and Bucky (because he will be the next Captain America and Sebastian Stan still has at least 3 movies in his Marvel contract).