Wednesday, April 4, 2018

I Saw This Movie And It Was Great The First Time

Therefor I am against this LAST STARFIGHTER reboot. It was the perect 80s movie with a spirit right out of the best of Speilberg. I also want and expect to see DEATH BLOSSOM or what the hell is the point? This why I hate remakes. You never remake the bad films to make them better, you remake the good films and make them worse (Robocop, Total Recall).

I am a huge fan of this film and I love that the original creator is involved. I also like the fact that the movie will be a sequel that will reboot the franchise. That's a much better route than just doing a straight-up reboot. Connecting it to the original film is the smart way to go.

The story of the original film centers on a video game expert named Alex Rogan who finds himself transported to another planet after conquering The Last Starfighter video game only to find out it was just a test. He was recruited to join the team of best starfighters to defend their world from the attack.

What do you think about Whitta developing a new Last Starfighter movie?



Christopher said...

Loved the original. So telling that the premise has been repeated in recent movies involving drone pilots. Man, I hope they get this right. It could be huge or just fall by the wayside. I hope they get the original cast involved. Fingers crossed.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Hard to replicated that great arcade game feel. I worked at a cadet camp for three summers and the only sit down table game we had in our nco club was Galaga but I played the shit out of that game but nobody from space came for me.

DrGoat said...

I played Star Castle for about a year almost every day at a small arcade a few blocks from us. The nobody from space came for me too.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's disturbing how Hollywood just lies to us and gets our hopes up. I was a master of the double ship too.