Monday, April 2, 2018

John Krasinski Wants To Play Mr. Fantastic?

I love this idea but it must be a package deal. His wife in real life has to play his wife on screen. Emily Blunt, who will soon be the next Mary Poppins, would be perfect for this role if her part in Edge of Tomorrow is any indication. I loved her in that film.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

The Fantastic Four franchise has struck out twice already. Is it salvageable?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Always. It was the Monster story that built the Marvel Universe and for the next phase they have to be the foundation. There is a right way to do this and that is to do a COLD WAR story set in the 60s, then age the characters as the Franchise goes on but you have to go back to the Stan Lee/Jack Kirby tale of a family who were given these powers due to a cosmic accident and how they came together to save the world.

Let them go to space. Bring in the kids. Galactus is the next big villain. Boom. Done.