Sunday, July 29, 2018

Tom Cruise Skydiving With James Corden

I love this. I can't fake it. Cruise is so remarkable charming in this clip that I would jump with him too. And hearing that Mission Impossible theme sealed the deal for me. It's a great theme that was MISSING from the last movie. "That was my fastest Tom Cruise run." I have jumped twice in my life. Both times on my own. First from 1000 feet but a little parachute pulled out my larger parachute. Amazing feeling. Not like falling at all but FLOATING. I had the James Bond theme in my head the whole time. The last time I jumped from 10,000 feet. Now they said that I pulled my rip cord IN the plane before jumping out the back. That is a filthy rumor. But it DID take me longer to reach the ground than anyone else. And they told me on the radio to start making big circles or I would end up landing in Saskatchewan.

Of all the great stunt pieces in these movies, this train scene is my favorite. "RED LIGHT! GREEN LIGHT! and that fantastic theme music get the heart going everytime.

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