Friday, February 1, 2019

Take Some Advice Warner Brothers

Is Black Panther‘s Michael B. Jordan the man to replace Henry Cavill as the next Superman?

According to Deadline, it’s not as bizarre as it sounds, given Jordan is allegedly the early frontrunner to take point as the fresh-faced Man of Steel further down the road. And that’s just it.

Warner Bros. isn’t expected to launch a new standalone Superman movie for at least several years, what with the studio’s resources now being dedicated to the planned Supergirl origin story from 22 Jump Street scribe Oren Uziel. So even if Michael B. Jordan is in contention for the coveted gig as Deadline suggests, it’ll be some time yet before he makes the jump from Marvel to DC – long after Avengers 4 zooms into theaters and (potentially) heralds the return of Killmonger by means of time travel…

Telling the same Superman story with a bit of stunt casting is such a stupid idea with a thousand ways to go wrong. Here is my solution. Make a movie about a child who comes to Earth from another planet and is raised in the slums of Chicago where he was found by a young hard working black couple. Never mention the planet Krypton. Deal with how he lives in a world where he is also black and a superhero with Superman like powers. Just don't CALL him SUPERMAN or have him wear an emblem or a cape. Now that would be 100 times more interesting that a bit of stunt casting and saves you the racist social media piling on the closer this movie get to being made. Switch it up a bit and everyone can get what they want. And it would be cool if there is never a mention of the word 'Superman' in the script and even in the media you can make the mention of the name a 'thing' that one does not do on this project. People are ready for more black heroes and if we have to trick them a little to get them to accept the concept of a black man playing an iconic white superhero then this is the way to do it. If you need anymore help, you know how to contact me Warner Brothers.


nolan said...

Love him. LOVE HIM. But awww hell no! Unless it's an Elseworlds or Multiverse story, in which case aaight...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Like I said. Tell the superman story but do it without ever mentioning the word SUPERMAN.