Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Tolkien Biopic Trailer

The biopic follows the author through a hardscrabble childhood, into the battlefields of WWI and through the corridors of academia where he studied linguistics but eventually became a historian of the unreal. “The hobbits are just what I should like to have been but never was – an entirely unmilitary people who always came up to scratch in a clinch,” John Ronald Reuel Tolkien once said about his creation of the Shire and it’s furry-footed folk.

This one looks amazing. I know the story of how you can see so much of Tolkien's life in LOTRs. That just makes the whole story that much more emotionally affecting. Thank the Universe for the trilogy of movies and this biopic because without them I would not know about this world at all. The original books were a slog to get through for me so I abandoned them. 

To be truthful, I couldn't get through the slog that was The Fellowship of the Ring or any of the sequels. I bluffed my way through many a conversation about LOTRs with my half knowledge that came from the Bakshi cartoon but that one ended with the battle at Helm's Deep. I had no idea how the saga ended until I overheard a conversation at a college party. It took until Return of the King before I understood the ENTIRE story.



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've read the trilogy three times and loved every minute of it. I'm looking forward to this movie too.

DrGoat said...

My Uncle gave the Trilogy when I was 12, in '62. I've read it numerous times since. I'm sure it changed my thinking about a lot of things, for the better.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I know. I find that in the films but after Moby Dick my brain refused to get into it. I thought I was too stupid to read it but we all know that wasn't the case.