Monday, April 1, 2019

Squares And Rectangles

I just learned today that you can buy a kid that allows you to have lights with your Lego Parisian Cafe set. LIGHTS! I remember when all you got in a box of Lego were square pieces and rectangular pieces. You got a base, maybe a door a window and a tree if you were lucky. One piece was a triangle but it was semi-clear so you could have a windshield if you chose to build a car or a plane out of ONLY square and rectangular pieces. Look at this thing. It's amazing and I hate it because if I had such raw materials to work with I could have become a world class designer/architect.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

You can build anything with LEGO these days!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oh really? I hadn't heard.
