Thursday, August 15, 2019

I Am Tired Of Pumpkin ENHANCED Products Already

Make the madness stop. Now you ruin something that is almost already ruined - SPAM. Spam is only good when it's fried up with eggs which always meant that your father was making making you breakfast. Nothing better than SPAM with ketchup. Good times. Good times that will be ruined with the addition of a spice that isn't even a spice in the first place. That's right, PUMPKIN SPICE is really just a combination of other spices. Stop the madness. Stop all the lies and leave my SPAM alone.



DrGoat said...

That pumpkin spice Spam is so wrong on every level. Good gods!
Circling the drain faster every day.

Debra She Who Seeks said...


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am sick of this trend already. What is next, pumpkin flavored pumpkins?

DrGoat said...

Or pumpkin spiced Ribeye steak. This is the third circle of hell.