Of course I am single and occasionally I am asked the question..."What are you gay?" And that bothers me not because I have anything against gays but why does it have to immediately be that? I am neither thin nor neat so wassup? Superman was single. Batman was single. Could it be that I am just a superhero? Could it be that my love for this great metropolis is such that I don't have the time to commit fully to a relationship? Disagree with me all you want but don't call me when the next robot alien zombie from space attacks. I only wear a cape in my civilian life because its stylish...not because I want to be a fancy boy.
Golden Age Batman married Catwoman...
Golden Age and Modern Age Superman married Lois Lane...
Not that there's anything wrong with that...
dude maybe its cuz you look/behave gay, you sure you're not a closet homo?
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