You have no right to call yourself a fanboy or a geektard if you aren't in permanent Cialis boner mode for this movie. I have re-read the graphic novel recently and it is as layered, rich and groundbreaking as I remember. To be able to see a live action Rorschach being his badass uncompromising self will be the hightlight of my geek life. Like seeing Heath Ledger's Joker or the first Donner SUPERMAN or Tim Burton's BATMAN, this movie will introduce a whole new group of people just pre-primed to love it like they did THE DARK KNIGHT (which criminally got snubbed from this year's Oscar awards). And now that the conflict between Fox and Warner over the rights has been settled we can all prepare for the March premiere which will be the first film I will be seeing in a theatre with an audience in about three years. Of course I will be file sharing my ass off that weekend so I can watch it again as soon as I get home. Don't judge me bitches. Hate the game not the player.

I totally love this artic outfit from Nite Owls collection of uniforms from the movie. The fur lining is to die for (channeling my gay fashionista here)! Why can't they have the designers on Project Runway do superhero outfits? This look just screams "time to wrestle a polar bear...bitches". However, these Watchmen Halloween costumes leave something to be desired especially the Nite Owl one. Those colors just don't look scary or intimidating at all. The Rorschach can't really be messed up because all you need a the trenchcoat, the mask, the scarf and the hat. Gonna be more of them next year than there were Jokers this year. And despite the fact that the Comedian is a homicidal killer/rapist he should have no trouble being to the top of the superhero (?) costume list next year.

"Watchmen" is set in an alternate 1985 America in which costumed superheroes are part of the fabric of everyday society, and the "Doomsday Clock" - which charts the USA's tension with the Soviet Union - is permanently set at five minutes to midnight. When one of his former colleagues is murdered, the washed up but no less determined masked vigilante Rorschach sets out to uncover a plot to kill and discredit all past and present superheroes. As he reconnects with his former crime-fighting legion - a ragtag group of retired superheroes, only one of whom has true powers - Rorschach glimpses a wide-ranging and disturbing conspiracy with links to their shared past and catastrophic consequences for the future. Their mission is to watch over humanity… but who is watching the Watchmen?" -bamkapow
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