Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Why oh Why?

Okay I know that I often gush about my love for the kitties but this is just ABUSE. Promise me that when I start ordering a WIG for my cat that you will put me out of my misery for good. I could see something that looks good if you have a cat with male pattern baldness (I would just shave his head all the way because people can just tell when your cat is wearing a rug) but COME ON people - hooker wigs for cats? This is a business? Unfortunately yes. SIGHS. This is from the FAQ part of the site.

"Question: Isn't this cruelty to animals?

Actually, no. We see it as a way for you to spend more quality time with your pet. It's an opportunity for you to show your cat something new and learn to introduce it with patience and positive reinforcement. It provides a very attentive experience and a chance for you to praise your cat and make a big fuss over her/him. Plus, hopefully you'll end up with some really fun photos! Remember, your attitude is key. And if your cat's not initially interested, don't force it."

It may not be cruelty to animals but is cruelty to my delicate sensibilities. And am I not an animal? extension...ah fuck it...TAKE THE WIG OFF YOUR CAT YOU FREAK!!!!

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