Thursday, July 16, 2009

Black Widow? Maybe!

I have had my doubts that Scarlett Johnanson (after her nearly unwatchable performance in 'The Spirit') was the right choice for the role of the 'Black Widow' in the next 'Iron Man' film. However I am prepared to suspend my disbelief after seeing this picture. Its the red hair and curls right? That is how they get me everytime. Thanks to Topless Robot who also show an interesting Gwyneth Paltrow picture at this link:


EVILFLU said...

I can't say I'm a fan of hers...did you hear her cover of Jeff Buckley's Last Goodbye? Ugh I wanted to cry it was that bad!

Anonymous said...

Oh for Earth's sake, yeah - because Scarlet Johansson has got such a gritty "Russian beauty" look about her, right? Oh, no she hasn't. Why didn't they hire someone who is ACTUALLY Russian? Is Scarlet gonna put on an accent? Ugh.

Anyway, did you read "The Ultimates", it's one of my favorite series?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Love the ultimates...the first series until Jeff Loab got a hold ot it then it seriously went off the railes.

Anonymous said...

Ech! Miscast! Scarlet is the wrong gal for the role. She's in too many movies and I get tired of looking at her. I also agree with Zacery-Doesn't it make more sense to hire someone Russian to play a Russian spy?

Michael Kasaboski said...

Oh, wow.


All I gotta say.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I agree with all of you. There will be no middle ground. Either she will nail the part or the minute she opens her mouth it will all fall apart. I am in dread of her made-up Russian accent. Maybe they will dub her voice. Too much money going into this movie to risk it on an unknown Russian actress and that is unfortunate. Thankfully she can pull off the slinky spy 'look'.