Well my bitches I have arrived! While searching out a new follower to my masterful blog of all the cool minutia that crosses past the Cave of Cool I discovered that I have been robbed. I should have suspected immediately once my bum started to hurt but the lack of a reach around temporarily filled me with a deep disappointment. My post on Charlie Brown's creepy look was lifted with most of the brilliant commentary intact and I was not credited for my genius. Most of you have had this happen to you but this is a first for me. I was so used to seeing my name and thanks on anything of interest that you saw fit to also showcase on your sites. Darius, Reiss, Booksteve, Lisa Mynx, Wings, Nicole - you all do that well. I of course was not indignant at first. Like Lisa Mynx said, any attention to me is good attention so I let it go without to much angst. I have more important things to worry about like the Tentacle Wars and thought waves from space that can pierce my foil helmet. But its still a weird feeling and the more I think about it the madder I am feeling. Give me your thoughts on this one folks.
Yeah, this has happened to me before, where another site has copied all my work without asking or providing a link. You should name and shame the site that stole from you!
Oh, and if what you described as being "robbed" is true, then I need to get robbed more often.
sorry , its my bad ..i already edit my post . Pleast forgive me . I am new in blogger and i learn my lesson today :)
sorry sorry sorry sorry ...i really not mean to hurt your feelingss ...please forgive me ...
You are forgiven. I have made the same mistake myself. No worries.
thank you so much :) i promise i won do the same mistake :) Thank you for letting me know before it is too late :)
I'm glad to see that you schooled that blogger so everyone can know how this is not acceptable. Good job!
Wow. I was late to this show, but glad it had a good ending. :)
Oh, I feel special.
I don't think I've ever been robbed (lucky me!) and I didn't have any advice for you, so it's a good thing this solved itself. I don't know how it could have, though, without MY supreme skillz. XD
Glad that turned out nice and friendly.
Must be flattering, even if you were robbed in a worse way. :)
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