Tuesday, July 14, 2009

I Have Figured it Out

I hate to admit this (and I want Milla to understand that she IS the only girl for me) but when I saw this picture on Ben's 'Dancing Girls' site I have decided that I really, really like Britney when she totally 'sluts it up'. Everything negative I think about her just seems to drift away. Just don't talk, sing your little pop songs and change frequently into outfits like this and her and I will get along great. I am sure she will be pleased that whatever kept us from being friends has now been overcome. Call me anytime Brit (see how we are doing nicknames now).



Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Who doesn't love a hot slut?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Thank you...I refuse to apologize for it anymore. And a monkey shall lead them...

Michael Kasaboski said...

Pffffft, yeah. What took you so long to come to this groundbreaking conclusion?

Wings1295 said...

Er, I don't know. She is too whacked out.