I have been lovin on some 'Magic Carpet Burn' and the great items and comics that Professor Grewbeard posts there. None are more kitschy than this ad for shrunkin heads. I love the way the ad contends how perfectly normal it is to have a shrunken human head on your wall or dangling from your car's rear view mirror. Just like its normal to have all those body parts decomposing in the cupboard of my kitchen. "Give your room that lived-in look." - CLASSIC! (click to enlarge)
I posted this earlier in my blog but since it goes with this post here is the video again. I acually remember playing with this kit. To un-PC to ever be sold today.
I used to have a number of shrunken heads. I'd get them as prizes every summer at the local amusement park. They were highly detailed rubber with very realistic hair and sometimes bone-like attachments through the nose. There was also a nice hanging string always attached through the top of the head!
I always thought this was a creepy idea for a collectible. And I remember seeing one hanging from a rearview mirror and I was SURE it was real.
Still weird.
I remember seeing these ads in old magazines and really wanting one.
Too bad they're too out there to be sold today.
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