Friday, September 18, 2009

Canada As Seen By Who?

I can't tell if this was created by a Canadian or someone else. Its got that vibe from someone who has a rudementary knowledge of us but doesn't know how to really hit the high points of mockery that we, ourselves, use on each other when discussing the various provinces. But its worth posting if only to extend the myth of our greatness. (I bowl so its my DREAM to marry a hot girl). Thanks to Wings for finding this gem.


Wings1295 said...

That is the comic Medium Large. The dude has a seriously great, warped sense of humor. He has been doing all the US states' mottos. Funny stuff!

Anonymous said...

I love your country even more after reading those strips.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

And we welcome that love and you anytime you want to cross over the border.

MC said...

Ontario clean? HA HA HA HA!

Drake said...

I have to love Canada, you gave us the world's greatest actor...William Shatner!