Friday, September 4, 2009

Oh Yeh, Their Shit Was Tight!

I was working on a post of my top fifty songs and like usual 'You Tube' is wimping out and denying the embedded videos from some of my favorite artists. I put the stipulation that I would ONLY include a song in my top 50 IF and ONLY IF I could find the original video for it. Not a concert performance, not a slide show but the actual video that was released with the song. Since my musical advancement ended for all practical purposes in 1995 I was pretty much guaranteed a video to go with each of my choices. This song, however, has so far eluded my search but I post a concert performance here not only because its a wicked cool song but because there is nothing cooler than Rockabilly played by a three man combo who really had their musical shit together at the time. The double bass is such an underused and underrated instrument in this, its purest form


Wings1295 said...

Alright, alright... I guess there are SOME cats that are worthy. Heh

Anonymous said...

Stray Cats rule.